Growing Closer to Reach Farther

We aim to make fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, who sacrificially bear His cross, courageously bear His image, boldly declare His Truth, and radically demonstrate His love!

How did God design His Church?

God designed His Church to be the expressed image of His majesty unto the world, and ambassadors of His Kingdom, but if we take an honest look at Her, the fullness of His majesty is not being perfectly revealed as it was intended. The world is not seeing the full beauty of Christ, because we in the Church have neglected to honor one another as precious and beloved.

This book is an in-depth study into God’s Word, while also paralleling how the Sequoia tree is a pattern which we can imitate, to portray what His Church can powerfully accomplish when we choose to honor Christ—and His Beloved—above all things!

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Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.