Currently, we are pastor-led, but are intentionally seeking to be elder-led, in which the pastor would then be among the elders, not above them.
You can find our Statement of Faith under the "About Us" tab.
We believe Church is suppose to be the journey of a Family, not just an occasional gathering, thus meeting in each others homes brings a comfort, closeness, and intimacy among the fellowship not often found in a larger building. Just a casual study of the New Testament, one would realize that the early Church met often, if not most often, in the homes of those who believed! And while we know there are various reasons as to why they met in homes that we ourselves do not often face, home fellowships were the normal to the early Church just as church buildings are the normal to us today. One thing to keep in mind if proposing this question: Is the true Temple of God a building or a Person?
We like to keep things as literal as possible to the original text, while also taking into account the need for understandable vernacular, thus we seek to use more "word for word" translations rather than "thought for thought" interpretations. For those reasons, we most commonly use the ESV and the KJV, while seeking to trace everything back to the Hebrew and Greek text. We realize there are many arguments proposed today to defend certain positions with certain translations, and admit that there is much we do not fully understand. However, we hold to the Truth that the Spirit of God is not bound, and that hearts set to fully seek His Face will be led into all Truth (1 John 2:27; John 16:13)
Though we do not have a specific dress code for attendance, we seek to be honorable, uphold modesty, and put an emphasis on seeking to be holy in all things
We do not fall under any particular denomination, nor do we consider ourselves non-denominational. Rather, we reference ourselves as small members of the Body of Christ, as Christians seeking to conform to His image! Too many today like to create boxes for everything!! And too many boxes bring too much clutter...we like to keep it simple!
The definition of "grove" is simple: a grouping of trees! At the beginning of Creation, God created the trees, and said, "it is good"! In Genesis 21:33, Abraham planted a grove at a place called Beersheba, which means, "the well of the oath", or the "well of seven", and then called on the "everlasting God" in this place! So much in Scripture places an onus on wood; the Ark of the Covenant made from acacia wood, the Tree of Life, the Oaks at Mamre, the Terebinths in the Valley of Elah, the Olive trees in Gethsemane...the cross of Jesus! God's Creation reveals His majesty still today through the beauty of trees like the Sequioa! Now the reason we named ourselves "The Grove", is not because we are tree lovers, but rather because it is relatable to what we do love most...Jesus!
The definition of "Christian" is simple: a follower of Christ! And today, the term Christian has seemed to almost take on an identity different from what it used to reveal. In John 17:22, Jesus prays to the Father and says, "The glory that You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one even as We are one." And though the term "grove" might have come to mean something it was never intended to mean to some, we want to bring back the glory of what it once meant to be called "Christian", by the grace of God!
We do offer child care for infants and younger children, but we believe in Family Integrated Worship, where our children are engaged in worship and Bible study with us.