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1 Corinthians 1 (Part 2) - An Empty Box

Date recorded:

December 24, 2017

1 Corinthians

In an unorthodox message for a Christmas Eve service, we focus more so on the cross of our Lord while still shining light on the birth of the Lord Jesus...but in a way which unveils a practical application for us today! "Humble beginnings" is a phrase many have often heard but few live out firm until the end! But in the course of the life of Jesus, His humble beginnings culminated in a humble ending as well, a death on a cross for the sake of the world! This is our example, to unwrap the gift of Gods love expressed humbly through His Son, and leave its imprint on the face of mankind! Will you choose to yield yourselves fully to the "word of the cross", and let God establish you ias a gift to the world as He did with His Son?