March 18, 2018
The world is overrun with the notion of "consumerism" today, and unfortunately, it has infiltrated the Church! This little devil has created factions amongst Us and has wreaked havoc in ways that often times go unnoticed until its too late! All this because we have entertained a gospel that doesn't require the breaking of ones will as a standard within to belong to Christ! But Galatians 5:24 is clear, "those who belong to Christ have crucified their flesh, with its desires and passion.". Selfishness has run rampant because of the promotion of this diluted gospel which demands little and expects nothing...and we are now seeing the fruit manifest today! But that is not the Gospel that Jesus taught, nor the Apostles upheld, for selfishness of any regard was not allowed to spin its web of deceit among the early Church...and it must not be condoned within the Church today! Paul says, "a little leaven leavens the whole lump"! It's time the Church rises to her former Glory once again...