April 1, 2018
In this message on Resurrection Sunday, we discuss the foundation of what we celebrate...LOVE! But not only do we celebrate the love of God manifested through the sacrifice of His Son, we discuss what our response should be to this amazing reality of what He does done for us!! For selfish motives can always be tainted in the actions of individuals, no matter how grand, but perfect love includes no selfishness, and is the well-spring to truly knowing God! Jesus set the example, and the model to imitate for what love truly looks like thus we will never truly find the fullness of God's resurrecting Power within, until we choose to pick up our cross for Him and His Body! We need a resurrection of Perfect Love! "By this we know love, that He laid down His life for us and we ought to lay our lives down for the Brethren" - 1 John 3:16