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1 Corinthians 15 (Part 1) - The Half Gospel

Date recorded:

April 22, 2018

1 Corinthians

In much of the Church today, there seems to be a half-gospel that is being proclaimed throughout much of Christianity! It isn't that what is being proclaimed is wrong, its just an unfinished Gospel! Its a Gospel that teaches forgiveness and salvation but is absent of teaching the authority and power of the Resurrection! Sure it talks about the Resurrection of Christ, but it is utterly anemic in regards to declaring the power which has been provided for those of us in Christ! You see, Jesus purchased more than just forgiveness and salvation! He purchased, power, authority, victory...not in some distant life to come, but in the here and now! In this study, we discuss how Paul commands us as Believers to "hold fast" to the Gospel declared to us! Brethren, we must not relinquish the power of the Gospel!!

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