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1 Corinthians 6 - How Dare You

Date recorded:

January 21, 2018

1 Corinthians

Boldness! Paul asked for prayer to receive more of it, God commands it, Timothy received it in the Spirit, and the early Church prayed for it and the walls shook! But the Word speaks of a boldness that is not of God, but rather, a boldness that stands against the very fabric of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and demeans the beauty of the cross! And many professed Christians live out this boldness on a daily basis...boldly opposing God and the sacrifice of His Son made for us! Are you one of those professed Christians who have been roped into living a Gospel of flesh rather than the Gospel of Christ? We highly encourage you to listen to this study and find out if you are one of the ones walking the narrow road of Jesus or the broad way of destruction! The cross has the final word as to what is true, what is pure, what is love, and what is by the grace of God, may we truly be a people who exhibit the cross of our Lord, not the sword of our flesh!