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1 Corinthians 7 (Part 1) - Healthy Sex

Date recorded:

February 4, 2018

1 Corinthians

Sex! Why are we so afraid of addressing this topic in the Church today? Or maybe we aren't scared of addressing it, but we shy away from discussing what it truly is in light of Gods Word? Why have we as the Church allowed the perversion of what God created to be received with thanksgiving in the marriage union? Why have we forgotten that sex was given to portray and point to something greater (did you think God gave it simply for our pleasure)? 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 is a section of Scripture in which many have seemed to have forgotten, mostly because many have seemed to have forgotten God within the marriage covenant today! And yet, Paul's commands are unwavering, unapologetic, and unbiased...and yet so misunderstood! This message holds nothing back and speaks directly to the point...healthy marriages are healthy in the marriage bed! I'm sure that not much more needs to be said to peak your interest, so listen and see what God says on the subject...