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1 Peter 3 - When Mindful of God

Date recorded:

September 22, 2019

1 and 2 Peter - In Light Of Heaven

Condensed down into 5 main points, we discuss the Biblical command for, 1) wives to respectfully submit to their husbands, even when they are undeserving, 2) husbands are to honor their wives as the weaker vessel, even when they are undeserving, 3) a Church Body should earnestly seek unity of mind, heart, and purpose, 4) God's ear is closed to the proud and arrogant, 5) water baptism is an anti-type of the spiritual baptism. And at just over 2 1/2 hours long, this sermon is not for the faint of heart, nor the soul that is content to just wallow in their own fleshly tendencies or opinions, but for the Christian who longs to embrace the true virtues of the cross in the commands of Christ. You won't find anything, and I mean anything, sugar-coated in this one so buckle up the chin strap, and get ready for some in your face, hard truths that could very well be a source of nourishing sap to the branch of your soul, if you're willing to receive them...