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1 Peter 4 - Giving The Full $5.25

Date recorded:

September 26, 2019

1 and 2 Peter - In Light Of Heaven

While definitely addressing some weighty topics, from discerning from the Word a Biblical concept of stewardship that has unfortunately been perverted into a system which justifies using principles of God for one's own comfort and luxury today, to the need to earnestly love the Church "above all", to God proving our fidelity and love through the fires of tribulations, this sermon is lengthy and packed with a lunchbox of goodies that are sure to satisfy the hungry soul! But while we might discuss several points in depth, there is one central strand that weaves the whole tapestry of this sermon together, and that is found in the expression, "giving the full $5.25"! You see, there is tendency for us to want to bargain with God, and the terms He has set for us to obey! We seem to try to reason away paying the full amount, and instead, come to His counter with less than what He has asked for, thinking that will be enough to gain His blessings! But God has listed His terms and expects full payment! We cannot expect to receive the blessings of God in full, when we hold back the fullness of our devotion and obedience to His terms! To be "Christian" is to seek to be Christ-like, and we will never live up to the honor and glory of that title unless we yield ourselves to give the full payment as He has commanded...