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1 Timothy 1 - Unveiling Christ

Date recorded:

January 24, 2019


For thousands of years, many have tackled the endeavor to know more of the Word of God, specifically the Old Testament writings! They have memorized and studied It until many so-called scholars know the Word like the back of their hand. And yet, despite all the efforts of these brilliant men and women...Paul calls such people ignorant, if it is done without the pursuit of finding, and attaining the revelation of Jesus Christ! Too many today have fallen victim to this, desiring to be teachers of the Law and yet without understanding in their confident assertions. It is this error that most often causes divisions within the Church and precisely what Paul is charging Timothy to bring order to in Ephesus through revealing Christ in all things. Not only that, but Paul is exhorting Timothy to make sure that he carefully and diligently seeks to protect the purity of the Gospel and the purpose of the Church, two elements that have been lost today as well! For there were some "hidden reefs" among them, just as there are among us today, and Paul commands Timothy to discipline them in a way that is foreign to most people today! This series is paramount to understanding, and establishing a healthy Church in God's eyes and is too important for anyone to ignore...