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1 Timothy 2 - Submission is Protection

Date recorded:

January 27, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

Submission is a term that many like to ignore today, as if the cross somehow made its practice null and void! But, on the contrary, there seems to be just as many who like to abuse this term to the extreme degree. Neither are Biblical and the practice of both will leave someone unprotected, and open to deception from the enemy! There is only one way to truly stay under the covering of God's protection, and that is to remain completely submissive to the total will of God as mapped out in His Word! In this sermon we highlight the need for submission to once again be practiced in the family, as well as in the Church, and by tracing deception back to the very beginning, we unfold the pattern for staying protected against the schemes of the enemy. For until we submit to what God says, we will always be at risk of being deceived by what satan offers. It's lengthy, but well worth the listen!