January 31, 2019
In this study, we read through all of 1 Timothy 3, but only expound on the last 3 verses in order to leave time at the end for the flock to, "off the record", respectfully evaluate the leadership at The Grove in light of the guidelines listed in 1 Timothy 3. While you won't be able to hear the closed door discussion on the evaluation of the leadership, you will be able to hear the exhortation given over our need to be immovable from the Truth as the Church, the Household of God! We have been given the responsibility, and the commission, to not let Truth, "fall in the streets" in this age when there seems to be a famine in the land of hearing the Word of God (Amos 8:11)! To be watchmen on the wall of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom, and to not let anything creep up and tarnish His good name, or the glory of His Church (2 Corinthians 8:23)!