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1 Timothy 4 - The Trail Mix Gospel

Date recorded:

February 3, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

There are many erroneous doctrines being perpetuated among the masses today as a result of the cherry-picking from the Word that many do in order to suit their passions, or their own ideas! It is a deadly practice and can no longer go unchallenged among the Church today! Too many want their gospel served easy and in comfort, two words that are never coupled with the notion of "training"! In this sermon, we describe it as, "The Trail Mix Gospel", in which teachers today will feast on certain passages that suit the appetite while leaving many "in the bag", so to speak! But this heresy of neglect only compromises the power of the Gospel and will lead to death (Proverbs 16:25), whether to those who teach it, or those who listen to it! Trust us, you can't afford to not hit play on this one! May the Lord give you ears to hear what His Spirit says...