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1 Timothy 5 - Honoring Your Church Family

Date recorded:

February 10, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

There is a heresy that has spread across the Church today! It is not relegated to solely one denomination and isn't even able to be isolated among just a few. Rather, this heresy is being lived out within every single denomination that comprises the Church of Jesus Christ and finds its propellant in having minds set on worldly things! Whether you are Baptist, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Methodist, or simply choose to be labeled non-denominational, you need to listen to this message! There are some things in it which will be easy for some to misunderstand, or even be twisted in order to not have to face these hard truths head on! But we assure you, there is nothing that is stated in this study that does not come from the deepest place where zeal for Truth, and a love for people, meet! So what is this heresy that has infiltrated much of the Church today? I guess you will just have to listen to find out...