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1 Timothy 6 - Cut The Strings

Date recorded:

February 17, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

As we wrap up Paul's first letter to Timothy, we pinpoint a major concern he is addressing with him! This concern he says, has the power to plunge people into ruin and darkness and cause a person to be pierced with many pangs! What is this issue that Paul seems intent on commanding Timothy to eradicate from the Church in Ephesus? Worldliness, and the trap of exchanging that which is truly Life, for the temporal, and lesser life of this world! Paul knows that the desire for worldliness clouds perspective and shrouds the Spirit of Heaven, thus to allow its lure in a Fellowship Family is to allow a leaven that will destroy! This is an issue to be handled with the utmost importance! Paul urges Timothy to be the example of a Heavenly man for his flock, as he was for Timothy! For until the strings of this world are cut in the Church, we will never fully soar to the heights of Heaven as we were intended...