April 23, 2020
Grace enables us to be exactly what we desire to be, and even exposes our truest cravings, hidden in the deepest corridors of our hearts! Meaning, if we really want to be conformed unto the image of Christ, we as Christians have the access to do so through grace! But if that is not our desire, we are left without excuse, other than...we just didn't want to be conformed unto Him! This is why we must not compare ourselves to the image of others, but to the perfect standard of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:1-2). For when we mirror ourselves unto others, we leave ourselves with a built-in out clause that allows complacency, compromise, and tolerance to fester and prove ourselves to be, "without understanding". So listen to this sermon and discover the possibilities made available through grace, to those in Christ, and uncork the hidden potential that God sees in you, just waiting to be lived out by "grace through faith"!