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2 Corinthians 11 - The False Jesus

Date recorded:

April 26, 2020

2 Corinthians

There are many ways in which satan can lead a sincere, and purely devoted Christian away from that devotion, three of which are found in this chapter. 1) Preaching a false Jesus that deviates from the Word, making Him out to be some sort of "homeboy", or personal "genie". 2) Promoting false spirits through the teachings of demons that deviate from the prescribed blueprint of how we are to live. 3) Perpetuating a false gospel that promotes humanism rather than fundamentalism! It is these three falsities that caused Paul concern, causing him to address this with the Church in Corinth. And how was satan seeking to propagate these fallacies among these Christians in Corinth? Through the pulpit! False, deceitful workmen who declared a gospel of "gain", not sacrifice. One of prosperity, and not suffering! Dear Brethren, the enemy's tactics have not changed even today! Are you discerning enough to know, and fight against, his schemes?