May 3, 2020
There are three main things that Paul emphatically addresses in his closing statements to the Church in Corinth that he has been so intricately involved in their discipleship and training. 1) He has been given authority over them as an Apostle and though he would prefer to not have to use the "rod", he most certainly will in order to preserve the purity of the Gospel, and cleanse out any leaven from the Flock! The understanding, utilization, and submission to the Biblically-appointed authority of Church Eldership is sorely lacking today in the Body, and Paul seeks to breathe order back into the Church in Corinth. 2) Paul will not tolerate any teachings which undermine the glory, and singularity of the Gospel, nor would he allow the abuse, and manipulation of the true grace of God to be twisted on his watch! 3) He understood, and sought to reveal to the Corinthian Church, that their aim should always be restoration with one another, knowing that relationships cannot be restored as long as willful sin is being practiced. For if there is rebellion, there is a hindering of the work of God in ones life, including the works of grace, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. Yes, Paul said these three things are conditioned upon the obedience of the listen to see how