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2 Corinthians 3 - Unveiled

Date recorded:

March 29, 2020

2 Corinthians

The relationship of a Believer with the Law of Moses can be a tricky, confusing, and even a slippery slope to try and navigate. Many seem to not know exactly how it intertwines with the Gospel, as if the Word was silent on the matter. But it is anything but, if you are willing to receive it! So how are we who are in Christ, atoned by His Blood, suppose to view the Law of Moses? What is our responsibility to it in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Those answers can be found in this short chapter written by Paul, and though we by no means cover the full extent of this topic, we do firmly address it in a generality of sorts! In short, the value that the Law has to the Believer can be compared to the purpose the moon has in the darkness of night, it's sole job is to reflect the glory of the Son, until the day dawns...