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2 Corinthians 4 - Life From Death

Date recorded:

April 2, 2020

2 Corinthians

There is a truth in the Word that seems to have been omitted from the gospel being perpetuated from many pulpits today! What truth has evaded the mouth of the prophets today? It is the reality that the Gospel is after your life! It is not an addition to, but an exchange of lives, His for yours! And without this exchange, there is no deposit of Heaven within a human soul! And this is often times why the joy, and power of Christ is missing from the souls of many who claim a relationship with Him...there was never an exchange of life! And it is this fallacy that is haunting the Church today, for with the same measure you surrender to Christ, God will fill you with His Life, found only through His Son, thus many wander around empty, despite their professed belief! But when we choose to bear that cross, not seeking to preserve our lives but rather lose them for His sake, and the Gospel's, our soul becomes flooded with the treasure chest of Heaven! It is then that no trial, virus, plague, sickness, persecution, hardship, or calamity will have victory over us, for no matter what happens to our outer shell, we have a victory sealed in Christ to the faithful soul!