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2 Corinthians 8 - Faithful Distributors: Giving As He Gave

Date recorded:

April 16, 2020

2 Corinthians

There are so many things to be thankful for in what the Lord has given us as His children! Mercy, forgiveness, love, wisdom, etc! But in all these things, it is easy to be entrapped by being hoarders, and not givers in the same way He gave unto us! We are commanded to, "love as He loved us" and to, "forgive as He forgave us"! And coupled with these more well known charges is also the charge to give as He gave unto us! This means that the Church should be defined by a radical sense of sacrificially giving that the world would see as both foolish and extreme! But does this define us today? Does the world see the Church giving unto the work of God in manner that would seem foolish and extreme? Did you know Brethren that our failure in this diminishes the glory of Christ unto the world? Listen to this message and be challenged to dig a little deeper for the glory of Christ and learn what it means to be faithful distributors in His image, not selfish hoarders in the image of this world!

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