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2 Corinthians 9 - What's He Worth

Date recorded:

April 19, 2020

2 Corinthians

A stagnant pond is a breeding ground for all sorts of harmful bacteria and microorganisms which are just waiting for the right environment to begin multiplying. In the same manner, "sin is crouching at the door" and is looking for stagnant souls to foster harmful evils within and one of the most conducive environments is the stagnant soul who is a lover of money instead of a giver of it. 1 Timothy 6 says, "the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil...", and it is through this deceptive craving that many souls have become a breeding ground for harmful evils. But what does it mean to be a "lover of money", as according to the Word, and did you know that the Bible says it really is easy to tell where someones treasure is? Our commission is to give as Christ gave! So does your life prove you to be a lover of money, or a lover of Christ? What's He worth to you?