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2 Peter 1 - Supplementation

Date recorded:

October 6, 2019

1 and 2 Peter - In Light Of Heaven

No matter what the supplement company would try and sell you, there is no magic pill! There is no quick and easy fix that will eliminate the need for proper diet and exercise to be a vital component to a healthy lifestyle. And yet, despite this truth, the masses continue to try and get healthy results without first establishing the necessary foundation. The same is true with seeking to live out the Faith! You see, there is nothing wrong with supplementing to one's health in order that we may live effective and fruitful lives, just as there is nothing wrong with supplementing works unto our faith so that we might live effective and fruitful lives for the Kingdom. The problem comes when people only try to supplement absent of walking by faith, or, want to only hold to a professed faith without supplementing the necessary works unto it. Both are unhealthy and will only lead a soul to be ineffective and unfruitful for God's Kingdom! The secret is, exercising one's faith while coupling works to it...for apart from one another, one will never mature and only remain an infant in Christ! This sermon is a must for anyone seeking to grow in Christ by the grace God will supply to the faithful soul...