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2 Peter 2 - Blaspheming the Way of Truth

Date recorded:

October 13, 2019

1 and 2 Peter - In Light Of Heaven

There is an underlying Truth that is echoed throughout the halls of Scripture like a distant drum in a darkened cavern! That Truth is, all false teaching, and false Christian living, will have its root in some form of sensuality of the flesh! In this chapter, Peter admonishes these Christians to the warnings of such heresies that will secretly be propagated by those who are swayed, and moved by their flesh, leading many to "blaspheme the Way of Truth"! Even in the world today, we have droves of so called Christians who allow their wants, and defiling passions to contaminate the purity of the Word, and thus, blaspheme the Name of Christ by which they are called, and it has been tolerated long enough. This sermon is a thunderous exhortation to the Church to no longer buckle under the guise of love, but to rise up and love people enough to call out intentional sin for what it is...blasphemy against the glory of God! And yet, alongside this exhortation, a ray of hope is provided, for God's mercy is steadfast, and will be extended to the repentant heart! So if you listen to this message, and find yourself guilty of blaspheming the Way of Truth, then we exhort you to repent, and find the renewal of God's steadfast love to the faithful!