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2 Timothy 2 - Soldier Or Civilian?

Date recorded:

March 3, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

A Roman soldier was a man fully invested in his cause. A man willing to abandon everything in order to serve for the betterment of an earthly kingdom. A man who was loyal to his king, his brothers, and his purpose above anything else...even his own life. And while Paul is not advocating for Timothy to join the Roman army in any way, he is highlighting the example of an earthly sacrifice needed for a Christian to exercise in order to truly follow a Heavenly King. This sermon is a lengthy exhortation for the Church of Jesus Christ to begin living as soldiers for the Kingdom of Heaven, no matter the cost, instead of playing in the dirt as civilians who live for their own kingdom! Buckle up, tighten your seat-belt, and get ready to be challenged and spurred into a Christ-like love and Heavenly perspective, for even the most Heavenly minded Christian among us will be challenged to focus more on Christ, and His Kingdom, in this study!