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2 Timothy 4 - The Spiritual Person Judges All Things

Date recorded:

March 10, 2019

Paul's Letters To Timothy

"Judge not, that ye be not judged" has become a go-to reference for so many in the professing Church today. But do those who use this phrase actually understand Jesus' teaching within the whole passage of Matthew 7:1-5? Do they understand what love really is, as according to the Word? Or have many fallen into a trap of twisting Scripture to justify sinful hearts? As we finish up our study over Paul's letters to Timothy, we see the climactic end to Paul calling Timothy to arms, to share in suffering as a good soldier of Jesus Christ! How does he end it? He charges him to preach the absolutes of the Word and to judge the masses, with all authority, using the Word of God as the plumb line in doing so! You see, Paul warns Timothy that a time is coming when people will no longer endure sound teaching, but wander off into man-made gospels that appeal to the flesh, rather than submit to the Spirit of God. That people will hold to Christ only as Savior, but refuse to honor Him as Lord...and Paul says that Timothy must not indulge this sin in any regard, but rather to reprove and rebuke such heresy! It might have been this very letter from the Apostle Paul that was the seed for Timothy to make his bold stance in the face of persecution for his King, and we pray it will be such in you as well...