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Acts 11 - Remaining Faithful As One

Date recorded:

June 20, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

It's difficult to pin-down a summary of this sermon, as we cover so many topics that to do so would necessitate a much longer summary than we have room for. So, this summary will simply consist of highlighting each topic with a short emphasis on the main points. 1) Obedience to the will of God in Christ Jesus, when conflicting with the normalcy of our modern culture (even today's Church culture), will most always result in immediate backlash. 2) Critical spirits destroy! 3) That which was formerly deemed "unclean" has now been made "clean" by the blood of Christ. 4) Heavenly grace will produce visible fruit. 5) We as the Church have the responsibility to remain faithful to our purpose in Christ with an unwavering endurance, to the end. 6) The Church should be defined by "fairness" among one another, without which, divisions and dissensions are sure to surface.