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Acts 12 - Seeing Hope In The Impossible

Date recorded:

June 23, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

Defeat! A term that many Christians today know very well, We've seen our failures all too often and it seems that we have almost allowed this little term to define so much of our lives. And yet, the Word of Christ is filled with terms like hope, faith, overcoming, conquering, dominion, life, holiness, victory, and godliness as terms that should describe our lives in Christ! Why the discrepancy? Why are we not functioning as we are able? It's because we do not see the hope in the impossible, but too often fall victim to discouragement, doubt, and despair. Have you allowed those three to rule your life at any time? Maybe this sermon is just what you need to be reminded of the hope we have in Christ, the encouragement we have to remain diligent and faithful in prayer, and to no matter what, believe that what seems impossible, is possible with God! Our limitations are God's opportunities...