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Acts 17 - Provoked

Date recorded:

July 14, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

There seems to be an epidemic that has spread across the land today! It is world hunger, but not the kind that is leaving bellies empty, but rather souls! It is anarchy, but not the kind of man's violence against his fellow man, but man's violence against God! There is a famine of hearing the Word of God, and it has even infiltrated into the Church for men and women no longer tremble before His Word, thus before Him! But for those who yearn for the glory of Christ to once again be manifest through His Church seeing His Word as beautiful, there is a stirring! More than a stirring...there is a provoking in our Spirit to see the return of majesty. For the world has always rejected Christ as King but now there are many, even among the Church, who care more about who presides over them as their president than they do their allegiance to their God. Along with touching on this, we also see how Paul faced a similar foe as many of us who seek to live by the cross of Christ face today in Epicurean philosophy. "Happiness is man's greatest aim in life. Tranquility and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness." - Epicureas. Or as many better know this philosophy, "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". And it is just as destructive, and deceptive today, as it was when Paul's Spirit was provoked within him then...