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Acts 2 - Plugging In

Date recorded:

May 16, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

For any device to work, it must receive power. It must plug in to the source to receive what it needs to operate as it was created for. Operating in the Spirit is no different! In this study, we iron out topics such as the tongues as of fire, Christians being filled with the provision from Heaven, a prophecy of Joel fulfilled, a story foretold of Christ through the mouth of David, what baptism is truly needed to have our share with Christ, and the Church having everything in common as they were devoted to the mission of Heaven! These, and so much more, are discussed in this thunderous, and unapologetic sermon that makes no excuses in its contestation for Truth. Listen, and be spurred unto "love and good works", and find out what it means for God to fulfill His promise. We as the Church desperately need to wait on the Lord in prayer to receive the fullness of His provision once again, so we might be a blessing unto Heaven...a fragrant offering pleasing to God through Jesus Christ! May the Lord grant you spiritual ears to hear what His Word is saying, for unless you are granted such, you will not discern the Truth behind this message!