August 1, 2019
The two main themes in this study are, properly prioritizing our lives in light of eternity and the immense dangers of falling into the trap of presumption, whether with man, or with God. You see, satan loves nothing more than to attack and lure a devoted heart unto Christ, into a heart that is divided in it's devotion. And yet, time and time again in Scripture, we are told to live out such things as, "seek first the Kingdom of God", "set your minds on the things above, not on the things that are of this earth", and "do not love the world, or the things in the world". In short, the Heavenly commission and commands of Christ are to be the highest ranking priority in our lives, no matter what, and no matter the cost. But this Truth seems to be missing in the daily lives of many who claim His name. Why is that? It's because satan has deceived many into thinking that their best life doesn't have to include total obedience to the cross of Christ, thus many have incorrectly concluded that life can be about their wants and desires, rather than Christ's Kingdom. Many live in a continual state of presuming upon God's kindness, thinking that their desires in life can ascend above God's commands for Life, and have chosen to fall into the trap of presumption. Beloved, we must flee from every form of idolatry...and this is no exception