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Acts 23 - An Unbridled Tongue

Date recorded:

August 8, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

The tongue. The Bible calls it, "a restless evil", an instrument that carries both "death and life", and a little member that reveals "the abundance of the heart"! It can not be overstated how vital taming the tongue is to the health and vitality of both the Christians relationship with God, but also, their relationship with others! And careless vows spoken, harsh words, speech that is not seasoned with salt, and corrupt talk will damage a relationship quicker than even some actions will! So Brethren, listen to this sermon and join us in our endeavor to allow the Spirit of God to open our eyes to the magnitude of the tongues power, and to humbly allow His control over it for Life, and not death! There is not a soul alive who does not need to honestly look at this topic in a self-reflective manner...