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Acts 24 - Mastered Unto Maturity

Date recorded:

August 11, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

The topic we go over in this study is probably one of the most needed for anyone who desires to grow into a mature Christian. It carries with it a needed level of self-discipline, training, humility, perseverance, and grit that many today don't desire to exercise unless it benefits their sensual and fleshly desires. The topic? Taking pains to exercise self-control! You see, children struggle in exercising self-control, for their bellies, hearts, and minds often rule their behavior...but that is not the mark of a mature Christian! We are called to allow the Spirit of God to be the governance over what our bellies want, our hearts desire, and our minds think. It is our own earthly affections that are often the culprit as to why we choose to remain adolescents in the Faith, instead of those who are mastered unto maturity! The choice to grow is up to you, but you will never see the gain of Heavens grace unless you go through the pain in training to receive it. He must increase, but I must decrease! You don't want to miss this study...

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