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Acts 25 - The Poison of Bitterness

Date recorded:

August 22, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

There are two underlying topics extracted from Acts 25 in this study: embracing your calling and the poison of bitterness in the human heart! You see, whether you're a wife or a mother, a husband or a father, an employee or a boss, a son or a daughter, or even just our general calling as Christians, we are commanded to walk a very specific way in every facet of life, and resisting ones calling can be a very dangerous choice! This sermon is an exhortation to embrace your calling, primarily, your call to honor Christ! But, the thrust of this message is geared more towards exposing the immense dangers of bitterness! Curious as to if you have bitterness in your heart? Here is a list of things that are usually very accurate indicators. You rarely see the good in someone if you have bitterness towards them. You are quick to condemn them based upon your perception. You are quick to anger and don't forget easily what they have done. You make a big deal out of trivial things and you talk about them behind their backs. You won't initiate forgiveness because you are too proud and assume that you are in the right! Bitterness is toxic, it is poison, and it destroys everything in its path. It is not an understatement by any stretch to say that you might not be able to afford to miss listening to this sermon...