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Acts 4 - Stop Waiting, Start Acting

Date recorded:

May 23, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

Do you have faith? I'm not talking about the kind of faith to just acknowledge the existence of Jesus and praying before a meal. I'm referring to the kind of faith that can part seas, call down fire from Heaven, heal the lame, give your last penny, preach the Gospel in hostile territory and risk life and limb for the glory of Christ. If your answer is no, then heed this message and apply it so that you might be sanctified unto the image of Christ! For we will go through the story of Peter and John, common and uneducated men who had a Heavenly zeal to preach the Gospel, even until they were thrown in prison. And yet, through their unshakeable courage, acknowledged their responsibility unto Heaven, regardless of cost or consequence, and chose to move forward in faith, instead of waiting for someone else to act...

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