May 26, 2019
The story of Ananias and Sapphira is one that has challenged, as well as baffled, many readers for centuries. But what caused the events that transpired seems to be more of a mystery to many. And yet, it really is a simplistic reason as to why these two who put Christ to the test and met an unpleasant death, that has seemed to be veiled to today's generation. When our love affairs with money, jobs, family, or anything else that causes our devotion to God to be divided between Heaven and this world, begins to rule our lives, Satan is there to pounce. For when our hearts are divided, and only partially given to God, Satan has room for infiltration. You see, it was not the lie that was the reason for Ananias and Sapphira's was that their hearts were divided, and only partially committed. Along with detailing this story, we also discuss the need to be obedient from the heart, and one of the main reasons as to why the Church in America seems almost impotent regarding the possession of the Heavenly riches of joy