May 30, 2019
Church is not a democracy, plain and simple. It was never designed to be governed by the will of the people but for the will of the people to be governed by elders who watch over their soul (Hebrews 13:17). But in this culture, where criticism is high and submission is low, it seems everyone wants a voice with no responsibility, thus the practice of democracy within the Church has caused a corruption to set in that has destroyed both shepherds and flock alike. What is this corruption? What is it that has been a root of discord among us? It is the sin of partiality caused by worldliness, and an insufficient alliance with the Word of God in our Churches structure and function. This subtle, yet destructive seed, has penetrated the soil of many hearts in Churches today. And as such, has caused an epidemic of divisions among many today. The words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:10 have seemed to go unheard today when he says, "I appeal to you, Brothers...that there be not divisions among you..." We must fight to maintain the unity of the Spirit. Let us begin by uprooting the seed of partiality from the soil of our Churches by once again aligning ourselves to the Word of God!