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Acts 8 - Prove It

Date recorded:

June 9, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

There is so much mystery revolving around the Holy Spirit in today's Church. Who is He? What is His role in our lives? How does one receive Him? What should it look like when someone does receive the Holy Spirit? Or even, is He a He, or an it? So many questions around the Breath of God and it seems that very few take their answers straight from the Word of God, but instead, experiences...or lack there of! The reality to it all? Every work of God begins with the same foundation, and God builds from there. And as we prove our love and commitment to Him, He rewards us with a greater measure and portion of Himself! So while this sermon won't fill in the blank to all your questions with a specific formula to solve the mystery of the Holy Spirit, it will delve into the this topic with a passion and fervor sure to stir even the most listless heart. It might take a bit to ramp up in this one, but once it does, it might be a good idea to buckle up...