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Acts 9 - Embracing The Cross

Date recorded:

June 13, 2019

Acts - A Journey To Majesty

The conversion of Saul unto the Faith he was once adamantly trying to destroy, has always been one of intrigue and amazement! It is astounding to think of the mercy of God given to this man who was seeking to destroy one of the things He loved most in His Church. How would you respond if everything that you once thought to be true was all of a sudden flipped on its head? What would you do with Truth when presented to you, if it conflicted with everything you once held dear? Would you put it on the cross if Truth conflicted with what you believed? You see, embracing the cross, as according to the Word, is not what many believe it to be, largely in part because of the false gospels being perpetuated from many pulpits today! For we believe Jesus would ask many the same question today that he asked Saul, even among many in His Church..."why do you persecute Me"? Find out what Saul came to realize on the road to Damascus, and why his interaction with Jesus in this moment, set the course for him to become one of the most honored Apostles the Church has ever known