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Healthy Communication - Listening

Date recorded:

January 19, 2020

Healthy Communication

**Unfortunately, the first 17 minutes were not recorded due to operator error (we forgot to turn the mic on) so if you want to see the full sermon, which we highly recommend for foundational context, you will have to go to our facebook page, "The Grove in Canton TX" and see our live recording. Otherwise, skip forward to the 17:00 minute mark and pick up from there (some verses to look up that you would have missed their importance are Proverbs 18:21, 1 Corinthians 9:25, and James 1:19 and 26)** Listening is one of the most fundamental, and basic traits required for proper, and healthy communication. But it goes beyond just hearing what someone says, for anyone can hear, but few have mastered the art of what it means to listen, and listen well! But this vital component to healthy communication seems lost among an entire generation, thus many have felt undeservedly unloved, neglected, and abandoned simply because we no longer know how to listen as God does! This call unto listening well is not one for the select few who are just, "gifted" in listening, but one for every person to refine this lost art through the grace that God will abundantly supply to do so! It is a command, not a suggestion, and we must pick up the mantle of learning how to, in humility, become "quick to hear and slow to speak"...our relationships depend upon it!!