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Daniel 12 - Hold To Hope

Date recorded:

August 2, 2020


There is an overall encompassing theme to this study that encapsulates the entirety of the book of Daniel. It isn't found in having proper eschatology, or learning how to respect the governing authority of a nation (even an ungodly one), or even in learning how to walk by faith and not fear. All of those are good, and are found in this prophetic book, but it isn't what we believe to be the over-arching message in which the Spirit is leading us to hold on to! So what is it? Daniel's message for us is one of hope! More precisely, our responsibility to hold to the hope we have been given! In this final, and conclusive study over the book of Daniel, we emphasize the message of hope with an exhortation to Believers to not lose sight of keeping eternity in view, no matter how troublesome things get! This is not our home, nor do we abide in a Temple that can be destroyed! We have received a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and in that hope, we possess an anchor of the soul that will not be moved! For the one who maintains his hope in Christ, maintains his footing! You won't want to miss this study!