May 31, 2020
What does it mean to worship? Adore, bend the knee, kiss the hand, all phrases that Biblically describe the concept of worship! And while we all consider it a simple understanding to define what worship is, the object of our worship can be a little more complicated to define, and even deceptive. For satan, the great deceiver that has been thrown down to the world, seeks followers just as Christ who ascended from it into Heaven! Jesus, who gives of His domain to those who will bend the knee to His governance, is seemingly counteracted by the god of this world, who will also give of his domain to those who would bow to him! And in dissecting this commonly known story about three men who refused to bow to the shimmering statue set up by the king of Babylon, we find that a similar temptation is being dangled to the masses. The point of this study is found in this phrase: "we can have the world, or we can have God...we cannot have both!"