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Daniel 6 - Kneeling Against Compromise

Date recorded:

June 21, 2020


Life is filled with potential compromises! Everywhere we turn, we are faced with the decision to compromise, or to stand. But not all compromises are bad, only the ones that strike a deal with Satan to compromise who we are to be in Christ, our mission for Heaven, and our reputation as ambassadors for Christ! You see, if a compromise is an agreement between two parties in order to attain terms of peace, then compromising our integrity as Christians is making a deal with Satan in order to attain peace with him. But how can we stand against compromise? Learning from Daniel, we see that the only real way to stand against spiritual compromises, whether small or large, is to kneel before our King! Listen to this study and allow the Spirit to take a well-known story and deposit it's truths deep in your soul!