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Ephesians 5 - The Imagery of Christ

Date recorded:

September 13, 2020

Ephesians 2.0

God takes sin very seriously, and the calling He has given to us in Christ was never one intended to have compromise attached to it! He has ordered us to rely upon His grace and powerfully walk in the image of His Son in all things, and to never allow any degree of darkness into our lives! But the seriousness to which God has decreed for us to follow His lead has for some reason lessened in much of the Church today. For many rely upon justifications and excuses as to why they cant walk as He walked, instead of clinging to faith to pursue living as He imitators of God Himself! No matter what season of life you are in, or what situations you encounter, this sermon will provide an answer for you in a passionate and bold declaration of Truth that the Church desperately needs to hear again today!