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Ephesians 6 - The Preeminence of Christ

Date recorded:

September 20, 2020

Ephesians 2.0

In a continuation of our topic from last week, we conclude our series over Ephesians discussing the importance of true, Biblical submission, and the immense dangers attached to the poison of insubordinate rebels who spread their toxins among the masses, poisoning the hearts and minds of others unto discord and dissensions. And after a pointed, and firm warning about the toxic nature of insubordination, we go in depth about the need to allow the Holy Spirit to have mastery over every aspect of our lives, with no exceptions. For until we allow the Spirit utter dominion to increase His perfect, and complete work in us, it is impossible to truly put on the whole armor of God as we ought! For to increase in the armory of Heaven within our souls, we must first decrease the bondage of flesh within our hearts! As John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). Join us for this final message that is sure to stir your heart with a Heavenly zeal, and one that leaves nothing on the table, addressing many issues that plague the human heart in today's generation. Jesus must be preeminent, or we will never successfully stand against the schemes of the devil...