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Ephesians 3 - The Stewardship of Christ

Date recorded:

August 23, 2020

Ephesians 2.0

Establishing a theme throughout the book of Ephesians, we continue in our progression of understanding that Christ is the beginning and the end of all things! And in this segment, we discuss the responsibility to steward well what we have been given in Christ and His Gospel of grace! Stewardship, often referenced in regards to money, carries with it a much broader spectrum than what many realize today, and grace is no exception. Using the parable of the talents as a relation point, we bring to light the reality of our need to steward the grace of Christ well so as to not receive His grace in vain! For our aim as the Church must be the glory of God in all we do, and there is no better way to reveal His glory to rulers and authorities in the Heavenlies, than by faithfully stewarding His gift of grace in the imprint of Christ Jesus our Lord!