July 2, 2017
While the bulk of this message consists of an exhortation to this immediate Fellowship, we also cover the story of Abraham and Abimelech in Genesis 20. Short and sweet, we briefly discuss how marriage is to be held in honor by all, as Hebrews 13:4 states, but is not to be worshiped or idolized as much of the Church does today, some aware and some unaware. It is a symbol, but is not the substance nor is it what Jesus has patterned as the truest model that reflects His coming (John 17:20-26). That pattern is reserved for the Church of Jesus Christ, thus we must hold things in honor in proper proportion to what God sets forth. We also discuss how intentional sin brings a cut-off from the supply of Life (see Hebrews 10:26-27 and James 1:13-15). However, a large chunk of this message is a direct exhortation to this immediate fellowship, to grow into a people who feast on solid food and not content to dwell on milk. "We should be teachers by now", as the author of Hebrews states...and yet there are many who don't take serioulsy their responsibility within the local Church, individual members of the Body of Christ. I encourage all who listen to this message to allow yourself to be challenged, convicted, and changed into proper Biblical behavior and perspective...no matter what member of the Body you belong to! Jesus tells the Church in Laodicea, "Be hot or cold..."! We must learn from those red letters...