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Genesis 24 - The Helper

Date recorded:

August 6, 2017

Genesis - Our story begins

Isaac and Rebekah, the classic go-to story for many couples and pastors who are seeking marriage, or counsel for marriage...but is that the greater context of the story? Is that what we have relegated life to; copies and shadows of what is suppose to be the greatest story, the greater substance of things Heavenly rather than things which are earthly? Have our jobs, our families, our "mammon" accumulated in this life become of greater significance to us than the source of all "good" things? This story paints a beautiful portrait of what God, by the Spirit, has done for us as His betrothed...but it also poses a great challenge, the challenge of the Gospel unto a human heart! Are you willing to leave all for the sake of One whom you have never seen, or will you give into the temptation to be "delayed" by this world, even the good things, from the urgency of being that "faithful servant" who truly serves God in His pattern, not our own? (Luke 12:33-46)