September 10, 2017
Blessings and curses often come upon the individual who obeys, or disobeys! But the Word also illustrates that they can come upon a people because of one man! Adam, Achan, Abraham, David, Noah...all men who by their actions, brought either a blessing or a curse upon the people. In this chapter, we briefly cover how Jesus became both on our behalf (Romans 5; Galatians 3). But we also hit pretty heavily a common tactic of the enemy against us! After Abrahams death, the Philistines filled with earth the wells of water, thus stopping the flow of life giving waters. Satan is no different to us, often detracting our devotion to God by seeking to fill our hearts and mind with earthly concerns, affections and passions, and pursuits...thus stopping the inner spring of Living Water within. In this study, become aware of his schemes by letting the Spirit speak to you!